
For Sale

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2016 Planter Worx HS1630 High Speed

Gen 2 20/20, DeltaFprce, vDrive, Speedtube, Yetter 029 Sharktooth openers with CleanSweep. Closing tails have RK products bearing wear kit installed. Surefire Liquishift fertilizer system plumbed for infurrow with zip valves for section control.

SOLD - 2022 Planter Worx HS1630 16 Row 30in High Speed

2022 Planter Worx HS1630 16 Row 30in High Speed

Gen 3 20/20, Delta Force, Vdrive, SpeedTube, manual Furrow Force Closing Yetter 007 Shark tooth row cleaners with Clean Sweep. Sure Fire out the back fertilizer with electric zip swath control valves, Hyd pump and  Spartan injection Pump with 20 Gal tank.  6500 acres $190,000

SOLD - 2020 Planter Worx 1830

2020 Planter Worx 1830

Gen 3 20/20, Delta Force, V Drive, Wave Vision, Harvest International heavy duty parallel arms, RK product closing tail kits, Yetter twister closing wheels, Yetter 029 floating row cleaners with clean sweep.  Infurrow and out the back fertilizer with ground drive John Blue pumps.  Planter is field ready with new opening disks. Very clean planter that has been well taken care of. Planter can be converted to a 16 row by removing outside rows.

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